Have you ever driven by a business with a faded, poorly designed sign and thought, “Wow, they must be really put together”? 

Probably not. 

In fact, according to a recent survey, a whopping 70% of people believe that a business’s signage reflects the quality of the company, its products, and the services offered. In other words, your sign is more than just a way to display your name – it’s a silent seller, constantly working to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Think about it this way: when you walk into a store with a clean, well-lit interior and friendly staff, you immediately feel more comfortable and confident about making a purchase. The same principle applies to your exterior signage. A professional, high-quality sign tells potential customers that you take pride in your business and that you’re here to stay. It subconsciously communicates that you’re invested in quality and that you can be trusted to deliver a positive experience.

On the other hand, a chipped, faded, or poorly designed sign sends the opposite message. It suggests that you don’t care about the details, and that quality probably isn’t a priority for you either. Would you trust a dentist with a flickering neon sign that looks like it’s from the 1970s? Probably not.

Storefront DesignSo, how can you ensure your signage is building trust instead of breaking it?

Here are a few key tips:

  • Invest in quality materials. A well-made sign will last for years, saving you money in the long run and ensuring your message is always looking its best.
  • Keep it clean and well-maintained. Regular cleaning and minor repairs show that you care about your appearance and your customers’ perception.
  • Make sure your design is professional and up to date. A cluttered or outdated sign can look messy and unprofessional.
  • Consider the lighting. Proper illumination ensures your sign is visible both day and night.
  • Partner with a professional sign company like Apogee Signs! They can help you design, create, and install a sign that reflects the quality of your business and builds trust with your customers.

By following these simple tips, you can transform your signage from a silent detractor to a silent advocate, working tirelessly to build trust and attract new customers.

Remember, first impressions matter, and your sign is often the first thing potential customers see.

Make it count!

Researching current design trends and local regulations can also ensure your sign is both visually appealing and compliant. This investment in your signage can be a powerful tool for building trust, attracting customers, and achieving your business goals.

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